Harmony day 21 March

Harmony day | 21 March Harmony Day is about celebrating differences and embracing new cultures . To bring equality between different cultures and religious groups, 21 March has been selected to mark this day as it coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination since 1999. Our cultural diversity is a great strength and brings with it a whole host of traditions, religions, languages and of course, food! It helps us to do things in different ways, reduces discrimination and lets us accept difference. Despite this, being anything other than Anglo can sometimes be challenging in Australia. It can feel like there’s nobody else like you and people’s lack of understanding sometimes leads to conflict. History Behind Harmony Day Harmony Day was first celebrated in Australia in 1999, but its roots go back hundreds of years. In 2017, researchers published evidence in the journal “Nature” that the ancestors o...